Although the life and habits of modern residents of Armenia are very different from the lifestyle of their ancestors, some ancient traditions are still honored here helping to preserve the unique culture of this centuries-old nation. So, what customs have been preserved in today’s Armenia?


Armenia's beauty


Armenian hospitality  

Many have heard about how respectfully the Armenians treat their guests. And this is not a myth. Receiving the guest a host always tries to create the most comfortable conditions for him. Of course, visiting an Armenian family is unimaginable without a generously laid table, Armenian national dishes and sincere toasts.

You can feel the Armenian hospitality even on the street turning to the first passer-by for help. Residents are always sincerely glad to tourists here and try to leave them with the best impression of the country.


Armenian cuisine


Wine and brandy production

Wine and brandy are the calling cards of Armenia. Many local brands adhere to ancient traditions in the manufacture of these gourmet drinks to this day.

Wine production in Armenia began six thousand years ago, as evidenced by the oldest winery discovered in the cave Areni-1, whose age reaches 6100 years.

It is recommended to book a fascinating tour accompanied by a professional guide to visit this unique place. Umba company organizes individual tours to the most interesting sights of Armenia.


Armenian cognac


Armenian wedding

A wedding in Armenia is considered an extremely significant event. The wedding process usually consists of several stages: first, the parents of the bride and groom meet each other, then the betrothal follows, and, finally, the wedding is celebrated.

As a rule, a large number of guests are present at the Armenian wedding, and the celebration itself is very noisy and fun. The closest married couple is appointed as witnesses of the bride and groom. According to local traditions, it is the witnesses who are responsible for ensuring that the new family is strong and peaceful.

In old times a red apple was brought to the bride’s parental home the next morning after the wedding confirming the innocence of the bride. The birth of a child is considered great happiness, therefore it is not surprising that traditionally there are many children in Armenian families.


Armenian wedding


National holidays

People in Armenia are very fond of celebrating national holidays. One of them is Trndez. On this day it is customary to make a fire in the courtyard of the church, over which the newlyweds jump thereby strengthening their union and cleansing themselves of evil and misfortune.

One of the most beautiful traditional holidays of Armenia is Tsakhkazard, during which young people and children wear consecrated wreaths of willow on their heads.

The funniest day of the year for locals is the Vardavar celebrated in summer. On the day of Vardavar all residents of Armenia pour water on each other – acquaintances or just random passers-by.

There is an analog of the famous Valentine’s Day in Armenia – St. Sarkis Day. According to tradition on this day girls bake special salty cookies “Aghablit” and eat it before going to bed. It is believed that a young man who appeared in a girl’s dream is her betrothed.




Traditional Armenian home

The houses in which the Armenians lived in ancient times were square stone buildings. There were no windows in the walls of the buildings. A window made in a roof was a source of light and at the same time a chimney. The walls of the house were decorated with shelves with household utensils, and there were chests with clothes and other items on the floor. Recesses with doors made in the walls were used as cabinets.

Of course, today Armenians live in comfortable houses that meet all modern standards. There are also many options for staying for tourists in Armenia, for example, Umba Apartment N1, Umba Apartment N2 and Umba Apartment N3.



It is recommended to visit Armenia to get acquainted with the traditions of this country which has no analogs and take part in various bright events. It is better to stay in the center of Yerevan while traveling in Armenia to be aware of all the interesting events.

If you are looking for affordable accommodation with good conditions, then choose the Umba Hostel, where you will find comfortable rooms and friendly staff.

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